Professor compares Sweden and Norway - Svenska
New book by Professor Evert Gummesson, on case theori and case study. He compares among other things two cases; how entrepreneurship and innovation in the energy sector are approached in Sweden and Norway.
He is referring to how Norway in the 1970-ties began exploiting the North sea for oil, a totally new industry for the nation. Forty years later Norway is one of the richest coutries in the world per capita. The building of the oil industry was to begin with controlled and financed by the Norwegian government and gradually opened up for private capital within a mixed economy format.
Gummesson claims, that Sweden has uniqe conditions for production of biofuels from forest biomass. He referres to the Swedish company, VärmlandsMetanol AB, that in cooperation with the German ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions GmbH, has developed a concept for production of biomethanol to replace gasoline.
The VärmlandsMetanol project has, according to Gummesson, the potential to result in a new Swedish basic industry, comparable to the Norwegian oil industry. But VärmlandsMetanol has so far not received any support from the Swedish Goverment. On the contrary the goverment is putting up obstacles, claiming that support would interfear with free EU competition. For example, biofuels are in Sweden taxed for carbon dioxide, in spite of the fact that they are carbon dioxide neutral.
Read the part about the two cases compared here ->>